Last night constituted what was in my opinion the worst episode of The Office ever. Almost entirely unfunny, save perhaps the scene in which Meridith takes one to the face. Last weeks episode was passable, and I thought maybe there was hope that The Office was going to redeem itself, but I'm afraid to say that it appears to be all downhill from here. Apparently there's no room for comedy amongst all these scenes of uncomfortable awkwardness that the show now revolves around. The appeal of The Office before was the characters who all had a these weird quirks and character flaws which made their interactions really funny. (and yes
sometimes awkward) But there was always a human side to them that made you sympathize and appreciate them, especially with Michael. Though he was a blundering idiot, he usually had the best intentions of the office in his mind and he really cared about everyone and even considered them his family. Now he is cold, mean,
and a ridiculously dense idiot, which makes him basically inhuman and no fun to watch. Everyone's flaws and quirks are now being played up to the max, to the point that the characters don't really exist outside of their trademark idiosyncrasies. Not to mention, there is hardly any character interaction anymore, outside of Michael, Jim, Pam, and sometimes Dwight. The very heart of the show, the characters, has been cast aside in order to make way for 30 minutes of Michael being an unfunny retard at a dance club.
Wow, I totally disagree. I thought last night's episode was pretty amusing. I do agree that a few more pranks would add a lot, but if you go back and look at old episodes, I think you'll find comparable levels of goofiness and awkwardness between last night's show and older ones (are you a hobbit?). I can think of several older Offices (Oscar coming out etc) that were almost too painful to watch - so the idea that the show has always been good before and is suddenly unfunny just isn't true.
The people rest.
Oh no don't mistake anything, the Office sucks. Watch episodes from the very first season, not the third, and tell me the show hasn't gotten away from what made it so good... Pete is spot on
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