Tuesday, April 22, 2008

some things to read

Update time. My senior show is up and available for viewing. But if you want to see it, I suggest you come during the reception on April 30 because then I'll be there too. It was a bit of work getting that done and it definitely feels good to have that behind me.

In other news, I will be applying for a job as a Web Designer in Boise soon. True, it isn't my favorite field, but it seems to be where the money is at. And the job market is begging for more web designers. It would be a short term thing, maybe a year. Assuming I got the job of course.

Speaking of web design, I will now be dedicating 80% of my time to finishing and publishing my personal website. Maybe 70%. Or 30%. The point is I want to have that done and the sooner the better. I'm hoping to have it done in two days, but there are all these pesky events that I'm somehow committed to attending.

For my sports section today, I would like to wish good riddance to Shaun Alexander. (the ex-running back for the Seattle Seahawks) Apparently people thought Julius Jones would do a better job, weird. Maybe Shaun could have stuck around if he didn't break his foot and wrist and if he still had Steve Hutchinson who apparently created holes big enough for a small marching band to march through untouched. The truth of the matter is, running backs are a dime a dozen, and Shaun's trademark "hesitation" move just wasn't cutting it any more. The moral of the story: don't sign 8-year $62 million contracts with almost 30 year old running backs.

For my entertainment section, nobody cares if Tom Cruise's son is going to be acting in a movie. Also, I don't see why people care so much about Dancing With The Stars. To me it sounds like the most boring TV Show ever created. But I guess Americans love any excuse to sit on the couch and watch people have fun without actually doing anything themselves. That might be my whole problem with reality TV. All that's happening is you are watching someone do something. At least with House or Scrubs there is a plot, a purpose, a idea that people worked hard to bring you a story that they felt was important or funny or both. Someday I will become a star just so I can refuse to participate in that show. That will be a blow Hollywood will never see coming.

Well I guess I better get back to cleaning all of my mint condition Shaun Alexander rookie cards and catching up on the latest episode of Dancing, I hope Tom Cruise's son makes a guest appearance!

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