Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Will you be my focus group?

In case you didn't know, that last post was just some crappy research paper that I stumbled across and decided to put on my blog as a joke. I wouldn't blame you if you stayed far away from that blog. Though, kudos if you did read it.

Question: Will you help me out? I just made myself a new website and I'd be honored if you would check it out and give your opinion. The only rule is no checking it out and keeping your opinion to yourself. That's just selfish.


Thanks. Have a nice day. Or something.

1 comment:

Claire said...

I like it! First, a great reflection of your place in life right now, thus a great reflection of yourself as an individual! I enjoy the fact that there is a bit more to it because of your adventures as a substitute teacher.
Also, it's just a good lookin', simple design that is fun for everyone. Well done. Love the pull downs.

I think one of your drawings from subbing should be on the chalkboard. yes?