Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thoughts in a jot note #2.

-Why do I do the things that I do?

-I wish I was a slam poet.

-Why is it that when you're hungry at 2 in the morning it's always for some kind of food that you'd never really eat during the day?

-What is taking them so long with inventing teleporters?

-Facebook statuses are slowly taking over people's lives.

-Pro sports are fun and cool and all, but seriously, 14 million to Matt Cassel? In this economy?

-Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist... eh. I'd give it a B. Maybe B-.

-Why is it whenever I meet a girl I immediately assess whether or not she has the potential to be my soulmate?

-I should go to bed.

-I should blog more.

-No I should go to bed.

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