Wednesday, December 17, 2008

on the 8th day of christmas my true love gave to me

Last night it was 5 degrees out. Now it's the middle of the day, so it's a good 17 or so. This is possibly the coldest winter I have had, so far. Which is only part of the reason it will be nice to go home for a while where everything is a good ten degrees warmer. The other part is of course to see family and friends and to enjoy me some Christmas.

Some Christmas cheer:
-I don't see why everyone freaks out about the Sufjan Stevens Christmas album. It's not really that Christmassy or sing-a-longy. I think, as a dear friend suggested, it's just an excuse for Sufjan lovers to listen to listen to Sufjan guilt-free during the holidays. I'll take Alvin and the Chipmunks do Christmas over that any day!

-I recently read a blog which advocated buying handmade gifts for Christmas. Apparently it's more thoughtful and better for the environment and is helping actual people instead of just big chain stores. The problem is, for the most part, handmade gifts just aren't that cool. I mean who wants weird, overpriced jewelry anyway? However if you totally disagree with me then you can live it up at

-Last year the fireworks that shoot off from the space needle malfunctioned. In retrospect it was pretty funny. I think my friends and I may have found our New Years Eve tradition of going down to Seattle for the needle-fireworks, since we have done that the last couple years. We'll see if it happens again. It's either that or staying home to watch Carson Daly and T-pain!!!!

-The Seahawks won last week. Way to not be last place in the worst division in the NFL. All I want for Christmas is a new basketball team. And a respectable Huskies anything. And the Seahawks to stop sucking and getting injured. Is that too much to ask, Santa?

Hope everyone is enjoying their December, which amazingly is already over half gone.


Anonymous said...

Carson and T-Pain!?! Oh man, we might have to bypass 1st Ave. this year and curl up with some popcorn to bring in the New Year.

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