Monday, July 28, 2008

global warming my eye

So first off, I must apologize for my lack of blogging this July. I guess I have been away a lot. And maybe just lazy.

Second off, whatever happened to Global Warming? I was looking forward to that. I like warm weather and Lord knows Washington could use some more of it. So whuddaya know, this summer finally rolls around (after a freezing cold and way too long winter) in the middle of this global warming "crisis," and it's like the coldest summer I can remember. I was just at Creation in eastern Wa where it is normally so hot your face melts if you go outside and the weather was barely in the 80's. Then I come back to a wet and cool Seattle. It's the summer--I shouldn't have to wake up each morning and wonder if I should wear shorts or not. Maybe global warming isn't kicking in until the fall, in which case October better be blazing hot. It is afterall my birthday month.


Matt said...

No its my birthday month or I guess we could share it. How was creation?

Unknown said...

one of the side-effects of the "global warming crisis" as you say is random unpredictable weather. if you really don't believe the earth isn't warming, check out what's happening in spain and east africa.


Peter Roy said...

Okay Mr. Tom, that wasn't a serious charge against the credibility of global warming. I honestly know next to nothing about it and was merely complaining about the lame summer and sarcastically blaming global warming (or the lack thereof). Comprende?

Unknown said...

it's hard to pick up on sarcasm in blog posts. my mistake.

Anonymous said...

Yeah the sarcasm in this post was pretty hard to pick up, Pete. Maybe you should make it a little more light-hearted next time. Tommy and I were beginning to get very upset with your irresponsible neglect for the environment. It's the newest trend, you should really join in and buy a Prius like everyone else...since it's the cool thing to do these days.

Peter Roy said...

tom: sorry if it was hard to pick up. bob: if i could afford a prius i'd probably get one.