Saturday, May 24, 2008

still driving that horseless carriage

Well I think everyone knows that gas is at an all time high. About $4.00 a gallon around the country. $135 a barrel (was $50/barrel in early 2007). Might be closer to $5 a gallon by the end of the summer. Some analytical energy industry trackers think in 2-3 years it could be $10 per gallon of gasoline (article). Well I say good. It ought to be $25 dollars a gallon. I think it's crazy that we are still so dependent on this 100 year old technology. Especially considering our need for oil is the source of almost all of our current world dilemmas, tensions, wars, etc. Not to mention the pollution it causes affects our air, water, soil, and probably global warming.

I say raise it to $25 and see how long it takes GMC to come out with the hydrogen cars that they had supposedly finished years ago but then abandoned because the gas prices started going down. I bet we'd also find a few more believers in electric cars. (which are supposed to cost about two cents per mile)

This is kind of a pointless ramble because in 10 years gas will probably cost that much anyway and we'll have hopefully moved on to bigger and better things. I just think all this gas/oil business is really frustrating. Of course I don't really like paying $4 a gallon and this blog is founded purely on principal.

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