Thursday, May 8, 2008

antsy pants

Yes I graduated. About 4 days ago. It feels... uh about the same. The question I get asked time and time again, without fail, is what am I going to do after graduation? I usually skirt it with some sort of vague half-answer like "going to find a job somewhere." So what does the life of a recent and still jobless grad look like? Well so far for me it has consisted of sleeping in, writing lots of emails and making a few phone calls, and some inconsequential things like going to the grocery store, a mariners game, and the basketball court.

But the truth is I do have a plan. I have a place I want to go. A dream life to live for like a year, where I could get some graphic design experience and get away from everyone and everything for a little while. The idea is to kind of collect myself while experiencing something new and different. An adventure. It seems like a lot of my other friends are kind of settling down in their own quiet little lives and I don't want to do that yet, not while I'm this young and unattached.

But there is a problem. How do you move somewhere without a job? And how do you get a job somewhere when you're so far away? I guess that takes some serious faith in your ability to get a job and fast. I have made several calls to different ad agencies over there but with no success and an ever shortening list of agencies in the area. Tomorrow I am going to finish up calling the rest of them and then move to print shops in the area. Then comes the real dilemma, if no one is hiring do I still move? I just might.

Its hard to describe how antsy I feel right now, but thats my best attempt. So if anyone wants to move with me to Portland, Maine, you're more than welcome. We could split rent.


Monika K said...

I'm with you, Peter. I almost couldn't sleep last night just thinking about all the possibilities out there. I definitely want an adventure, too. I'm just not even sure what that looks like. And finding a job? What exactly is it that I'm now qualified to do (that I wasn't a few weeks ago, sans degree)? I'm sure we'll figure it out. We are, after all, college graduates.

Monika K said...

P.S. I just looked up Portland - quite a nice little city (and not at all like the quaint little rural town I anticipated).

Anonymous said...

Portland, Maine? Dang man that's about as far away from home as you can get without leaving the U.S. That sounds like it'd be a cool adventure though. I wish I was graduating too I'd go with you. Good luck with everything. Now that I'm done with school for the semester I really wish I was coming home for summer. It's been way too long since I've played Holey Boards.