Saturday, April 12, 2008

what a crazy night... I even created a blog

I feel like I should have a lot to write about. And the truth is I probably do, but most of it seems way too personal for a public blog. So why did I create this blog? Good question. I guess we will just have to see what comes of it.

Well it is the end of the week. Saturday night. Time to unwind or something. Unfortunately Saturday Night Live isn't that funny anymore. Ashton Kutcher hosted; enough said. And of course Mad TV is an abomination. I actually changed the channel from Mad TV to another channel that was on a commercial just because their air-band skit was so unwatchable. My apologies to any Mad TV fans. (not for calling the show an abomination, but for your obviously lacking sense of humor)

Professionaly and educationally, I would have to say things have been going pretty well for me. My stint as Publicity Director is coming to a close which is probably more of a relief than anything. Though there are certain aspects that will be missed. The classes that I'm in aren't particularly tough so I'm not freaking out about the normal end of semester stresses. The main things I'm working on is a portfolio site which is coming along nicely (though it might scare some people) and getting stuff ready for the big Senior Design Show. (reception: April 30th)

Socially, however, I am about to give up on things. There are multiple problems here:
A. I now live with my grandparents in Middleton, ID, which is about 20-25 minutes from Nampa. So people can't just stop by anymore, and neither can I for that matter. Hanging out for me is now a big production. Plans have to be made at least half an hour in advance and there has to be an actual plan, no "we'll figure something out" types of wishful thinking.
B. It's the end of the year, we're approaching graduation, and people are busy.
C. I spent most of the semester hanging out with a few certain people, who due to some certain circumstances are no longer nearly as big parts of my life anymore. And its hard sometimes to get back into the swing of things with old friends that you haven't talked to much all year. But things seem to be improving, and plus I'll be out of here in three weeks anyway, right?

There you have it, the rundown of my most recent feelings on things. In the future this blog should be more upbeat and random hopefully. So hang in there. I guess I'll get back to my Mad TV marathon.

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