Thursday, October 9, 2008

what economic turmoil are you talkin' about?

Don't worry. Yes it's true our economy is in shambles. The dow is down like over 1,000 points. More and more people with degrees are being forced to take jobs that are typically reserved for teens and underachievers at places like McDonald's and Starbucks. The housing market is almost non-existent. We've got empty houses everywhere while people are being evicted and forced to live on the streets. Fourteen commercial banks have gone bust so far this year. (Including my precious WAMU) 33% of Americans said they believed the country was in a depression. Oil has plummeted by about $15 dollars a barrel. $700 billion is being spent to save some greedy people. Etcetera etcetera etcetera...

But like I said don't worry. The Mariners still have 116 million dollars that I'm sure they're putting to good use.


Monika K said...

So, are you suggesting that the best way for me to weather this economic turmoil is to find and marry a Mariner? I'm more of a football gal myself... (hello, Peyton!) (:

Peter Roy said...

peyton???? isn't he like one of the most goofy looking quarterbacks out there? which would be the reason he's not dating a supermodel/celebrity...

Monika K said...

Okay, I would like to point out that I am neither a supermodel or a celebrity, not to mention a goofy looking English nerd, so what could be more perfect?! Also, he's 6'4, athletic, serious and yet capable of making hilarious SNL commercials...;s-p4-st-i0

Monika K said...

Oops, that should be "neither a supermodel NOR a celebrity..."