I have started a new profession. One which I am attempting to redefine the roles of. I am now, as many of you know, a substitute teacher. Considering I can't really think of any subs I had in high school or middle school that I particularly enjoyed, I had this idea of being the "cool" sub. You know the one that all the kids are begging to have and all the teachers are knocking down the door to request for their classroom. A bit lofty, I'm aware, but never-the-less I set out to achieve this task. I have subbed for all age levels, from kindergarten to seniors in high school. My favorite has really been middle school. At my age it's a little easier to feel in control when it's 13 and 14 year olds as opposed to 17 and 18 year olds. And elementary kids are too fragile for me. Though I did actually quite enjoy my time at Pepper Ridge Elementary. But I digress.
I figured that if the kids were really going to grow to adore me as a sub, they would have to have a way to remember me. I needed a trademark. I glanced in my little bag-o-tricks and decided I could produce some literary inspired drawings for the class, which could be both fun and slightly educational. After a quick brain storming session I decided I had to start this plan with The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by CS Lewis. (part of the Narnia series for those not in the know) I printed off an illustration from the original book, headed to Eagle Middle School and during my first period prep period I got to work. This was my second time with this class so we already had a little rapport.

After fielding about 200 "did you draw thats?" and saying another 200 "thank you"s for all the compliments, I have to say I think it was a good first step. Even though I haven't had the chance to do another drawing at that school, I did sub again for PE and tons of the kids remembered me as the guy who can draw. Most of them were quite excited to have me again, were very proud to remind me and tell their friends that they knew me, and I even had some kids who had heard of me from their friends. Several kids were also requesting me and my drawings to return to their classroom again. So I'm inclined to think that my "trademark" plan is starting to work. Even though very few of them had actually read the Voyage, I would consider it a success if even just one of them gave it a shot.

Later, I had an English job at Lake Hazel Middle School, so I decided to go with a little Lewis Carroll and draw the Mad Hatter. Once again I printed off an illustration from the book (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) and headed to class. I was lucky to get another 1st period prep so I had plenty of time to work on it. I spent a good 45 min and got a drawing I liked. Once again I think it was a pretty great success. The pinnacle of this success was when the kids were done with their test and they were working silently at their desks, I walked around and noticed two kids trying to reproduce my drawing on the board! It was pretty cool to see kids at least partially interested in art. And who knows, maybe some will pick up the book too. I haven't been able to get back to Lake Hazel Middle School yet, but I'm looking forward to it and seeing what the reaction is, if there is any at all, or if it is as positive as it was at Eagle Middle. But I'm pretty confident it will be good.
Other things I have learned that could serve as a caveat to any potential subs is you can't be really liked and respected by the kids if you're just a pushover and let them get away with whatever. Also that won't get you on any teacher's good sides either. I'm not 100% sure what the key is, as I'm still on the path to being the coolest sub ever. But I have learned that you have to be able to be mean and follow through on threats if you ever want to earn the kids' respect. Also you have to give them some respect as well. It's a give and take relationship.
So despite all the horror stories and warnings, I am actually loving this job. It's something new every day, it's super flexible, pays okay, and if everything is going wrong and class is out of control, well they'll be gone and you'll have a new class in 45 minutes anyway.
Well I better get to bed as I have got to get up to teach P.E. tomorrow. I was specifically requested by this P.E. teacher too, so I'm starting to gain some respect from some teachers as well which is encouraging.
Hope all your jobs are going well too!
Hey I think that's awesome that you have found something that you are really starting to enjoy. I would request you for subbing in my class anytime... That is if you can throw a baseball?
I can totally see you as a teacher - and I'm taking notes on your techniques since I'll have my own class (English 111) next spring (eek!). So, don't screw up - everybody's counting on you!
No pressure. (:
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