Thursday, August 28, 2008

pitfalls... pt. 4

6. Me me me, not I myself
Psychological factors make this an extremely common error.

WRONG Please send a list of staff addresses to Paul and I.
RIGHT Please send a list of staff addresses to Paul and me.

To check which is correct, remove the other person or people in the equation.
The right answer will then be obvious:

Please send a list of staff addresses to [REMOVE "Paul and"] me.

Many people try to avoid the issue by writing "myself" or "yourself".

That's equally bad, if not worse! It's grammatically wrong, and (oops!) is interpreted by some people as a sign of a poor education.

WRONG I'll send a list of staff addresses to Paul and yourself.
RIGHT I'll send a list of staff addresses to you and Paul.

"Myself" and "yourself" are correct in only two situations:

1. To emphasise or contrast: "Paul knows everyone, but I myself am new here." "Your sister has blue eyes, but you yourself have brown eyes."
2. When you're doing something to yourself: "I ask myself..." "You set high standards for yourself."

1 comment:

Monika K said...

studeeing grahmer and punktation is sech a waist of ttime! Like, I myself don't need no help in the vokabular deepartement - geez!

Seriously, though, I've enjoyed these last few posts (after all, I am a self-proclaimed language nerd). I'd highly recommend "The Grammar Bible" for further reading/practice. It's educational and enjoyable to read - what a crazy combination!

Other than that, how's life? We need to discuss Ingatius. I'm not going to lie - I'm really struggling to finish the last few chapters...does that make me lame? Almost everyone who has seen me reading the book lately has told me what a great book it is and yet...I feel like I'm slogging through mud every time I pick it up. On the other hand, this Ursula Le Guin book I'm reading is outstanding - what's my problem?!!