Yes it's that time again. Time for generalizations and blanket statements. Time to lump a huge amount of people into one single group. Time to tell you that I strongly dislike drivers/owners of those big heavy-duty pickup trucks. In a time when gas prices are at an all-time high and the environment (may or may not be) at an all-time low, these people still feel the need to drive on the freeway as if they are in a Corvette. You could be going 15 mph over the speed limit and they will still come screaming up behind you, tailgate you for a while, then zip around you at 100 mph so impatiently that I feel like taking that shotgun I know they have under their seat and doing some damage with it. I understand that these people are dealing with a lot... I mean there's the obvious over-compensation and they are probably still trying to get over the fact that they will never get to play high school football again (unless they can find some loophole where 35 year old d-bags can get one more glory season in), and they are no doubt irked that they are stuck making payments on a $40,000 truck that gets zero miles to the gallon because they are so tuff and they have to make sure everyone sees it. I understand that some people need trucks, but I don't care. They all annoy me. That's right I said it.
I COULD NOT AGREE MORE! and they shout so loud every time they start and stop.
lol. amen. i hate them. power to my hyundai accent.
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