I'm about to make two pretty bold statements about some things that are pretty near and dear to many people's hearts, that the masses will probably disagree with.
1. I like Scrubs better than The Office.
It didn't start out this way, believe me. I used to love The Office and would watch it over and over again. And I still love The Office, but as time has gone on I think it has gotten more and more tired. Too many of the good characters come and go, the comedy feels more and more forced and each week the characters somehow outdo the previous week's awkward ridiculousness. I think The Office is really funny, I just wish it didn't focus so much on making the viewer cringe with awkwardness and went back to the more fun office antics that it started out with. I mean when was the last time Jim pranked Dwight or Creed had a great one-liner? And I'm so sick of Jan.
Scrubs is great. Sure maybe it's not as funny as it used to be, and sometimes the jokes are a little too over the top. But it's not that big of a deal because there are always hilarious parts around the corner. Plus they use cool film techniques, great music, mix up the narration, usually have a good message (albeit sometimes very corny), and is just a lot of fun to watch. It's great on it's premier on NBC, great on reruns, great in syndication, and great on DVD. Hilariously quirky, sometimes uncomfortable, always honest. It's just a great show.*
*This is just my opinion, it seems to be a fairly polarizing show, because most people either love it or hate it.**
**Don't hate me just because you hate Scrubs.***
*** I stole some of that stuff I said about Scrubs from a messageboard I read.
2. I think the Last Call With Carson Daly show is good.
This is a big statement because I don't think I've ever met someone that agreed with me. Most people I know hate it and him. And I was one of them at first. But as I endured many a late night with nothing else to watch, it grew on me. This is not the same Carson Daly that leaves a bitter taste in our mouth from his MTV VJ days. No. He is actually very funny in my opinion. Not in a crazy, did that really happen, Conan O'Brien way (which is maybe what people want since his show is right after Conan's) but in a very understated, dry, sarcastic way. His stand up isn't that great, so he hardly ever does any of it, maybe one or two jokes. I love him for that. His interviews can be very funny, just because I think he realizes the idiocy of many of the celebrity guests on his show and very subtly pokes fun at them. The interview he did with his ex girlfriend Tara Reid was hilarious too, because he mainly just asked her awkward questions about why they broke up. Finally, the musical guests that he has on there are usually quite good. A lot of times they are smaller indie type bands that are really rockin', or underground hip hop stuff that is also really good but wouldn't make it on a big show like Conan or Leno. I think if you watch this show a few times with an open mind (which is key) you might just start to enjoy it.
10 years ago
I plan on giving both of these shows a second chance after reading your blog. Although Zach Braf and Carson Daly might have to duke it out for me to tell which one is less of a tool, I guess if you find some humor in them then I'll give them a little credit.
Zach Braf is a tool. Scrubs may have some funny parts but who needs their numerous attempts at low brow humor? I will say every show has its bad parts but I don't need to be treated with comedy that acts as if I have the brain power of a 2 year old. But really like I was saying that space invaders thing did get me laughing. As far as the Office I could not agree with you any more, period. Jim's pranks on Dwight were easily some of the most clever parts of the show, and those are completely gone because he is too busy boning Pam.
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