Yeah right. Nobody remembers losers. People barely even remember Vice-Presidents. Sorry either Obama, Hilary, or McCain.
The Problems:
Obama has no experience and seems unrealistically lofty. Get your head out of the clouds. Remember Jimmy Carter? He was about as unexperienced as Obama (just some random governor); he was also the only president to experience double-digit unemployment and inflation simultaneously. Even the democrats turned on him while he was in office. Not to mention Obama is the anti-Christ and a Muslim extremist most likely sent to infiltrate our government to take it down from the inside. Oh Saddam, you're good alright.
Clinton is a woman and married to a publicly immoral man. Both of which seem to be big problems with the evangelicals who run these elections. She may have more experience and be a part of a family who ran the country without a whole lot of nation-ruining problems. But good luck trying to get a somewhat balanced cabinet or getting conservatives to try work with Hilary when every person who ever even had republican family members, let alone a republican thought of their own, seems to want to slit their wrists and die honorably before even entertaining the idea of Hil-Clint being in office. Once again I'm back on the topic of polarization. (see my Scrubs post) And as my friend Matt so tenderly put, we'd run the risk of war once a month.
McCain is old and stubborn like a mule. He said he'd leave the troops in Iraq for a hundred years if he has to. Red Flag. He doesn't represent change like so many people seem to want. But he is experienced and has paid his dues. I can't help but think back to the last great president who was so politically experienced you could say he was a poster-boy for politics. A Navy lieutenant commander, Congressman, two-term Vice-President, and two-term President. I'm talking about Richard Nixon of course. That seemed to work out. But hey, even he was against the Vietnam War (that part's not sarcasm). Who McCain picks as Vice-President is as important as anything, considering his chances of living through the next 4 years with such a high stress job are slim. (He's already 75, going on 175)
Do you want young and inexperienced, half a nation of hate, or old-dying-and-unchanging? Me too.
Whatever you do, vote. For reals. You are probably sick of politics and all the *crap* involved, and might be tempted to just stay out of it. But don't wait until you are old and really truly tired of the state of things and are wishing that the young generation (aka the future of the nation, aka YOU!) would get involved. Do something now.
10 years ago
May I just say, for the record, that I find your blog quite humorous, engaging, relevant and almost* always spot on? *See "The Office versus Scrubs" post in which you incorrectly conclude that Scrubs is better simply because it is less awkward. I do agree, however, that Jan needs to go (although, that whole Hunter cd thing last week was HILarious).
I have officially bookmarked your site and will now attempt to become your biggest (only?) fan. (-: But, seriously, this political post is great. I think McCain has both good and not so good points, but the main thing to keep in mind as you vote is that however flawed he may be, his opponents are FAR FAR more flawed. As hip and cool as Obama may seen, he is way left of center, wants to increase taxes, make us all pay for national health care and end a war that he knows nothing about. Plus, his spiritual adviser supports a terrorist group that even the U.N. has labeled as "hostile." (Great reference to the bumbling idiot known as Carter, by the way.)
On the other hand, McCain has promised to lower taxes (including a recent proposal to suspend the federal gas tax this summer), to not initiate socialist health care, and to fight our enemies for as long as they continue to threaten our safety. I think it would do him well to continue to emphasize how different his political beliefs are from those of his opponents.
Ok, I'm off to class - keep the posts coming! (-:
Wow thanks for the words of encouragement. And a bookmark? That's a lot of pressure, but I'll try not to disappoint. I realized that I wrote this post too quickly, so I went back and fixed some poor grammar I found. (In case it was bugging you too :) )
McCain huh? I will wait until the Democratic nom., and then the debates. I honestly haven't made up my mind yet.
Thanks for reading, I'll try my best to keep it coming.
Oh, and I'm working on building my reader base. I'm at least at 3, judging from the 3 comments I've received.
Ok, I passed on the site address to Joe and Dan - prepare to be bamboozled with adoring fans!
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